Concretize all the power of the cadwork 3D engine thanks to the machine transfer
Architecture softwares have long been able to generate free forms that are more and more complex. However, during the execution phase, “specialized” software would not yet allow this degree of freedom both for design and manufacturing (machines). cadwork makes the filling of this gap possible, it works from the complex architectural idea all the way to its concretization in real life. Achievements as spectacular as the Centre Pompidou in Metz or the Pavillon France at the Universal Exhibition in Milan are the most convincing examples.
Cadwork, the most “open-minded” wood construction software
cadwork 3D engine offers a lot of data importing possibilities from other softwares. All the most common formats are supported (DXF/DWG, SAT, etc…) and also the more advanced ones (IFC). You can take and use the 3D data from the other software and use them for CNC fabrication directly.
This is a great asset in order to work with partners using third-party softwares and this way, you are assured that compatibility is possible via the most appropriate file format.
It is no longer necessary to reshape what has already been modeled before! This represents a considerable time saving in the execution phase and you are sure to transmit the real geometry of the project to the CNC machine.
The cadwork machine transfer: currently the most efficient on the market
- More than 30 brands of cutting machines supported
- Full compatibility with cutting centers and major CAM publishers
- An export to universal formats such as BTL and BTLxml, accessible to all cutting machines’ manufacturers
- Constant development to provide the greatest flexibility and user-friendliness
- The prefered tool used by most glulam professionals
- Recognition of basic or complex shapes, from simple end cuts to 5-axis contours
- A process recognition that does not replace the performance of your cutting center: only the geometry and the parameters of the processes are converted into a machine file by cadwork. It’s the strategy of the machine that then decides, on its own, the path and the most suitable tools to achieve each process
- All the power of the free creation tool offered by cadwork’s 3D engine converted into machine language thanks to a high-performance process recognition algorithm
- Total control by the operator of the data transmitted to the machine thanks to the individual control of the parts; The operator can, at any time, modify the recognition of a process to adapt it to the work habits of the company if necessary
- A transfer that allows you to control your machine in the best conditions possible, whatever the construction system you are using: stickframing, prefab, traditional timberframing, log, CLT, etc… But, also adapted to panel work in woodworking.
Test the cadwork machine transfer before installing your machine
Before making the decision to purchase a cutting machine, cadwork offers you the opportunity to test the transfer for free during 2 months.
Test the cadwork machine export in real conditions for the realization of your projects. We embrace transparency and mutual collaboration with confidence.
cadwork, associated with your cutting center, is the insurance of the most powerful and most successful compatibility currently offered on the CNC facbrication market.
This solution uses the following modules :
You have the possibility to test the cadwork solutions for 2 months before making your decision! Following a 2-day training course, you receive a complete and free trial version valid for 2 months, including telephone assistance and all our services.